How Do You Handle Production Quality Issues?

In today’s fiercely competitive manufacturing sector, production quality holds immense significance. Issues concerning quality can result in additional work and product recalls. Persistent issues can lead to missed delivery dates and a consistent drain on your profits. Regression testing serves as a critical quality assurance measure to ensure the stability, functionality, and reliability of the software, thereby minimizing the occurrence of production issues and enhancing the overall user experience.

Production quality defects can also give rise to a range of less tangible yet critical problems, such as a decline in customer trust in your product, operational team frustration, or complications in machinery maintenance. These issues may indicate other, potentially more expensive complications within the production process that you might still need to uncover.

Neglecting production issues is not an option; it is imperative to take corrective measures. There are straightforward methods through which you can introduce sustainable enhancements to quality, measures that can enhance overall production, and establish a strong groundwork for future endeavors.

The Most Frequent Challenges in Production

While numerous factors can impact a manufacturing facility, the majority fall within the following categories. We recommend exploring the provided resources for each category as they delve into effective problem-solving approaches using data analysis.


Downtime stands as a significant obstacle across all manufacturing sectors. When machinery remains idle, orders remain unfulfilled, and potential profits remain unrealized. Downtime can be further categorized into operator errors, equipment malfunctions, scheduling complications, capacity constraints, setup and changeover issues, and others. Unfortunately, many companies fail to grasp the full extent of downtime’s impact on their overall equipment effectiveness, thus missing out on opportunities for enhancement.

Quality Issues

Quality concerns manifest in various forms, including vendor quality, human error, and equipment condition. Whether internally or externally generated, these issues escalate expenses and threaten delivery timelines.

Maintenance Challenges

While many companies adhere to the traditional concept of preventive maintenance, modern high-speed machinery necessitates a more dynamic, data-driven approach. Failure to maintain equipment at the recommended intervals inevitably leads to downtime. 

On the other hand, excessive maintenance results in unnecessary expenditures on machinery parts, supplies, labor, and downtime. Leveraging machine performance and health data enables manufacturers to anticipate potential failures and administer the appropriate level of maintenance at the right time.

Evaluate Technological Approaches for Continuous Monitoring

The quality of the end product is heavily dependent on the quality of the tools used. Over time, tools can deteriorate, thereby affecting the overall product quality. If left undetected, worn-out tools can lead to significant issues.

To avert such quality control problems, integrating tooling inspection into the quality control management system is essential. Incorporating tooling inspection involves:

  • Regular calibration of the tools employed in the production process
  • Periodic assessment of the machinery utilized across various stages of manufacturing to identify early signs of defects
  • Recording inspection data in a contemporary computer database and analyzing it with advanced inspection software

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform to run manual and test automation at scale. The platform allows you to perform real-time and automation testing across 3000+ environments and real mobile devices.

Managing production quality issues with LambdaTest follows a structured approach highlighting comprehensive testing, continual monitoring, and prompt problem resolution. Here are some effective strategies that can be implemented:

Process and Workflow Complications

Persistent challenges stemming from broken or outdated processes continue to plague manufacturing units, often manifesting as bottlenecks. Manual maintenance of standardized work procedures without adequate oversight can delay the identification and rectification of process-related issues.

Similarly, overcoming workflow challenges can prove challenging for teams, whether related to insufficient job center scheduling, work-in-progress management, floor layout, or operator access to parts and materials at the point of use.

Effective Strategies For Enhancing Production Quality

Numerous manufacturers consider quality lapses an unavoidable part of the manufacturing process. With the complexity of production and the fallibility of human beings, errors are bound to occur. However, implementing advanced technology and streamlined processes has allowed astute companies to minimize and, in some cases, completely eradicate quality issues.

Incorporating even one or two of these tools can result in significant improvements, leading to an overall cost reduction and increased production efficiency. Let’s delve into some essential strategies that can aid in evaluating, implementing, and supporting a production-quality project.

Recognize Challenges

Before addressing manufacturing challenges, a company must first identify them. Establishing the necessary framework to facilitate the gathering and uniformity of production data is the initial step. This data should be accessible throughout the organization through easily interpretable visual representations and comprehensive reports.

Access to precise, up-to-date data enables operators and managers to pinpoint areas where issues arise and determine the primary factors contributing to waste. 

Understand  Quality From The Customer’s Perspective

To achieve meaningful results, it’s imperative to define quality based on the customer’s requirements. Analyze your production cycle while considering the customer’s needs and order specifications to pinpoint the most critical quality aspects. This approach will help prioritize quality requirements and direct efforts towards areas with the most substantial impact.

Embrace Production Automation

Integrating digital tools and automation helps mitigate human errors in manufacturing processes. Leveraging technologies like barcodes and digital picklists ensures the accurate use of parts, tools, and materials, allowing workers to concentrate on quality production while automated systems handle other tasks.

Employ Process Enforcement

Implementing a simple user sign-off within a digital production system ensures the completion of work without any omissions. This is a valuable control mechanism, particularly in increasing manufacturing complexity and customizations. Process enforcement and work sign-offs can effectively address actions that often lead to quality issues.

Utilize  Data Through Dashboards  And Reports

Timely and precise data is crucial for identifying issues early and refining processes to enhance quality. Automate data collection to ensure the availability of accurate and relevant data. Utilize dashboards and real-time reports to facilitate informed decision-making in the realm of production quality.

Cultivate an organizational focus on quality

While resolving isolated production issues is beneficial, it’s essential to address the root cause of quality concerns comprehensively. Sustainability in quality initiatives necessitates a holistic approach across all stages of production. Involve various stakeholders, including management, maintenance teams, engineers, and customer service, in the quality improvement process. Regularly monitor progress and incentivize the achievement of quality objectives.

Integrate production information

Simplify access to relevant information during production by integrating all essential data and documents into a centralized system. This facilitates efficient information retrieval and minimizes the need for extensive research or investigation, ensuring seamless operations throughout the production process.

Assess the hidden cost of Quality

Initiating a quality improvement project is vital, despite any perceived timing concerns. Ignoring persistent quality issues can lead to significant financial losses, customer attrition, and operational inefficiencies. Calculating the Cost of Quality (COQ) is crucial for understanding the current quality state and outlining the potential returns on quality enhancement efforts.

Continual Learning and Growth

Concluding the process involves learning and growing from the experience gained in managing critical production issues. Conducting a comprehensive post-mortem analysis is essential, entailing the identification of the root cause, impact assessment, proposed solutions, and key takeaways. 

Documenting and disseminating the findings and recommendations to stakeholders and pertinent teams is crucial. Furthermore, implementing preventive measures to minimize the likelihood of similar issues occurring in the future is imperative. Embracing a culture of continuous learning and improvement is pivotal to enhancing production support capabilities and overall performance.


Following enhancements to production quality methodologies, it remains crucial to implement supplementary quality control measures. Engaging quality assurance specialists to assess products or conducting random audits of manufacturing processes can help sustain superior production quality. Regular quality control checks and the documentation of observed trends can contribute to maintaining exceptional production quality.