How to Create an Image Gallery in WordPress: Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a gallery is often ideal for showcasing several images on your website. Despite the availability of various WordPress gallery plugins for adding galleries to your site, creating a gallery in WordPress using built-in features is surprisingly simple.

In this article, we’ll guide you on effortlessly creating an image gallery in WordPress to enhance the presentation of your photos.

Why Opt for an Image Gallery in WordPress?

Adding a single image to your WordPress blog posts and pages is a breeze – just use the Image block and upload the image. However, when using multiple images in your WordPress photo gallery, they stack sequentially, resulting in a “not so good” view and another problem is that it will require extensive scrolling for users to view them all.

Creating a gallery lets you present images in an organized grid layout with distinct columns and rows. Thumbnails of your pictures can be showcased, allowing users to click and view the full image. This approach lets you exhibit more photos within a confined space, producing a more polished and professional appearance. For instance, if you’re developing a photography website to showcase your portfolio, incorporating a photo gallery allows for a visually appealing presentation of your work.

A Step-by-Step Process to Create Image Gallery in WordPress Using FooGallery

Let’s see a step-by-step process to add an image gallery in WordPress. In this example, we will choose one of the best WordPress gallery plugins from FooGallery to create the image gallery. Here’s how it goes by:

  • Step 1: Installation

To start, it’s crucial to have the FooGallery plugin adequately installed on your WordPress website. This can be achieved by accessing your WordPress dashboard, navigating to the FooGallery section, and ensuring the plugin is installed and activated. Once this is confirmed, proceed to create your gallery.

  • Step 2: Add Gallery

Upon entering the FooGallery WordPress photo gallery section, you can add a new gallery. Click on “Add Gallery,” and a prompt will appear, prompting you to assign a meaningful title to your gallery. This title will serve as a descriptive identifier for the content within your gallery.

  • Step 3: Add Media

Next, interact with the “Add Media” button to select the images you intend to feature in your gallery. This step allows for a seamless process of including visuals that align with the theme or purpose of your gallery. Additionally, take advantage of the drag-and-drop functionality to effortlessly rearrange the order of your images to achieve the desired sequence.

  • Step 4: Change the Appearance

Fine-tune the appearance of your gallery by adjusting thumbnail size and positioning. This step is crucial to ensuring that the overall presentation of your gallery maintains a cohesive and visually appealing aspect ratio across all images. Here are some features that you can enjoy with FooGallery

  • Lazy loading for improved performance.
  • Simple pagination with dots for easy navigation.
  • Live previews in the admin interface.
  • Retina thumbnail support for enhanced image quality.
  • Includes a watermark images plugin for WordPress for added versatility.
  • Utilizes the built-in media library for efficient image management.
  • Step 5: Configuration

Use the settings to explore various options that enhance the functionality and presentation of your gallery. Consider incorporating a URL link to the entire gallery, adding image captions, and using the FooBox lightbox feature. These settings contribute to a more interactive and engaging gallery experience for your audience.

  • Step 6: Changing icon and Publishing

After meticulously configuring your gallery settings of WordPress photo gallery, including appearance customization, such as choosing icons, rounded corners, drop shadows, and hover effects, you are ready to publish your gallery. Click the “Publish” button to make your gallery live on your website accessible to your audience.

  • Step 7: Preview

To showcase your gallery on a post or page, use the Gutenberg editor to create new content. Insert the FooGallery widget block, select the specific gallery you wish to display, and proceed to publish the page. Finally, preview the published page to ensure your cover image is prominently displayed and viewers can seamlessly cycle through the gallery images using the lightbox feature. This comprehensive process ensures a polished and engaging presentation of your image gallery on your WordPress website.


Creating a WordPress photo gallery is a strategic move to showcase multiple visuals seamlessly. While various plugins offer this functionality, FooGallery’s user-friendly interface and versatile features stand out. 

You can effortlessly elevate your website’s visual appeal by following the step-by-step guide from installation to customization and publication. The FooGallery plugin’s capabilities, including lazy loading, live previews, and retina thumbnail support, ensure a polished and engaging gallery experience. Enhance your WordPress site with an organized and visually appealing image gallery, professionally capturing your audience’s attention.