Omnitrope: The Importance of Prescribing by a Specialist

The human body contains many systems that keep us functioning and healthy, including the endocrine system – home to the vital chemical messengers that relay signals and stimulate essential actions. Undoubtedly, the most important of these is growth hormone (GH), which is critical for numerous functions. When the body does not produce enough GH, doctors turn to medications such as Omnitrope, a brand of human growth hormone HGH), to fill the need.

HGH therapy utilizes a medication called somatropin to provide the body with a bioidentical version of growth hormone (somatotropin). Omnitrope provides the signaling the GH receptor cells require to engage their actions. Because somatropin is chemically identical to somatotropin in amino acid structure, it works immediately on the cells, providing the same benefits as growth hormone.

The pituitary gland, specifically the somatotropic cells in the anterior portion of the gland, produces growth hormone. Numerous factors can affect GH production. An endocrinologist or hormone doctor can check hormone levels to determine if treatment with a medication such as Omnitrope is warranted and beneficial. 

What Is Omnitrope?

Omnitrope is an under-the-skin (subcutaneous) injection self-administered at home that provides the body with supplemental dosing of human growth hormone. It is used by doctors when an individual’s body does not produce enough GH for its physiological needs.

Bioidentical hormones, also called biosimilars, have the same chemical compounds as the hormones they replicate. In the case of Omnitrope, it consists of the identical 191 amino acid chain sequence as naturally produced somatotropin. The manufacturer of Omnitrope is Sandoz, a well-respected pharmaceutical company committed to providing affordable treatment options for adults and children. 

Omnitrope has different options, including an injection pen and standard vial and syringe forms. With the liquid formulation pen, Omnitrope is a ready-to-use liquid-filled cartridge that eliminates the need to reconstitute HGH powder. Two sizes, 5 mg and 10 mg pens, offer flexible dosing and remain stable for 28 days following the first injection. 

For the vial and syringe option, users first reconstitute the lyophilized (freeze-dried) HGH powder with a provided bacteriostatic water preserved with benzyl alcohol. Once mixed, the solution is ready to use and remains stable for 3 weeks. Omnitrope cartridges and vials require continual refrigeration. 

Benefits of Omnitrope

Omnitrope provides the same benefits as other HGH brands. The primary purpose of Omnitrope is to restore growth hormones to their ideal level. Doing so is crucial because of the widespread problems that growth hormone deficiency can cause in adults. The older one gets, the more concerning GHD can be for the body.

The benefits of Omnitrope include the following:

  • Cell regeneration

Cellular reproduction is one of the most essential facets of growth hormone. It begins by stimulating the liver’s production of insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1), a hormone that mediates the cell-regenerating functions of GH. The body is in a continual state of cell turnover. As old cells die off, new ones are necessary to replace them. Growth hormone decline decreases the rate of cell reproduction, causing problems in these areas:

  • Muscles: Decreasing cell production causes muscle mass to decline. Muscle damage is caused by injury or weight-bearing exercise, and there are not enough new cells for tissue repair. With Omnitrope HGH, muscle repair improves, and lean muscle mass increases thanks to better protein synthesis. Improved muscle tone helps to protect the structural integrity of the body and reduces the risk of bone fractures.
  • Bones: Growth hormone plays a leading role in bone turnover, old bone resorption (osteoclasts), and new bone cell (osteoblasts) production. HGH and IGF-1 stimulate osteoblasts’ proliferation and activity and osteoclasts’ differentiation and activity. Omnitrope helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. 
  • Skin: Omnitrope effects on promoting skin cell regeneration extend to elastin and collagen, the foundations for keeping the skin firm, thick, supple, and elastic. HGH treatment often helps adults look younger due to a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Doctors have used HGH in the treatment of burn victims and other skin injuries to speed healing. 
  • Hair: People with GHD often experience hair thinning and increased or faster hair loss. Omnitrope HGH helps to ensure that new cells are available to the hair bulb, follicle, and shaft to support hair growth, especially during the anagen phase, when active hair growth occurs. HGH therapy also improves circulation, which is crucial to providing oxygen-rich blood to the follicles. Some people experience a return of their natural hair color after a year of HGH therapy.
  • Nails: Thinning, chipping, peeling, and breaking nails can occur as growth hormone deficiency causes reduced nail cell production. Omnitrope HGH may help strengthen the nails.
  • Internal organs: As with other areas of the body, a lack of abundant cell regeneration can cause the internal organs to shrink, adversely affecting their functions. Treatment with Omnitrope can help support organ structure and performance.
  • Blood cells: HGH and IGF-1 are crucial for blood cell production, both red and white. Omnitrope helps promote blood cell production. 

  • Metabolic functions

Along with stimulating the body’s protein, lipids, and carbohydrates metabolism, Omnitrope also helps support glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity. Doctor-prescribed HGH therapy can help lower LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol levels. Overweight adults with GHD often report weight loss while using HGH therapy. 

  • Circulatory and heart health

Not only does HGH therapy support better red blood cell production and circulation, but it directly impacts crucial areas of the heart, including left ventricular mass and posterior wall thickness. Omnitrope may help improve stroke volume, nitric oxide production, and more for better heart health while lowering blood pressure and increasing exercise capacity in adults. 

  • Immune system

The thymus gland, which produces white blood cells (infection fighters), shrinks with age. Omnitrope HGH helps reverse that shrinkage and improves white blood cell production for better immune support, healing, and overall health. 

  • Brain functions

Omnitrope helps to improve GH signals to the brain cells to promote better attention, focus, learning, alertness, motivation, cognitive processing, and memory. These functions help to reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. HGH therapy also reduces stress and improves overall mood thanks to supporting endorphin release. 

  • Hormone regulatory effects

Growth hormone helps regulate numerous hormones, including IGF-1, testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol. In some instances, HGH stimulates hormone production; other times, it works alongside other hormones, and in some cases, such as with cortisol, it inhibits its production. Keeping cortisol levels low is crucial as it inhibits growth hormone and testosterone production and interferes with the body’s natural circadian rhythm and sleep quality. Omnitrope helps to improve sleep and energy levels. 

  • Sexual functions

Adults with GHD often report decreased interest in sex, erectile problems in men, and vaginal dryness in women. Omnitrope HGH can help improve sexual desire, arousal, performance, and satisfaction. 

Why Is a Doctor’s Prescription Needed?

A doctor’s prescription is required for Omnitrope HGH injections for multiple reasons. The first is legality. HGH is a controlled medication, which means it is not available for purchase without a valid prescription. Buying Omnitrope online from unregulated websites or any other manner is against the law. Doing so could result in prosecution, fines, and potential jail time. 

The next and equally important reason why a prescription is needed for Omnitrope is that there is no way of knowing if HGH therapy can bring benefits and, if so, how much is required. Growth hormone deficiency symptoms mimic those of other health concerns, and self-diagnosis can be a dangerous choice. Using HGH when it is not needed can lead to significant and potentially health-damaging effects. Only a trained hormone specialist should determine who needs Omnitrope HGH and how much to take. Too much HGH can cause side effects. Not enough HGH can interfere with the desired benefits. 

Another reason to get a prescription for Omnitrope is to purchase it safely from a licensed and fully regulated US pharmacy. Counterfeit HGH is rampant on the internet. Unscrupulous companies are good at creating exact replicas of pharmaceutical labels. When purchased illegally, there is no way of knowing what is inside the vials or cartridges. These productions have been shown to contain toxic ingredients such as rat poison, talc, or cement in the past, as well as different medications. The formulation you receive could be diluted or expired. Only with a prescription filled by a licensed pharmacy can you be sure you are receiving safe HGH. 

Potential Risks of the Following Possible Side Effects

No medication is without risks, including those you purchase over the counter. However, when used under a doctor’s care, Omnitrope is highly safe. Reading and understanding any medication’s potential side effects is essential before use. That way, you know what to be aware of to alert the doctor if anything occurs. 

Potential side effects and actions for management include:

    • Muscle or joint pain: Manage symptoms with pain reliever, ice, or heat, as directed by your doctor. 
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: Your doctor will likely lower the dosage until the problem disappears and gradually increase it back to the ideal level.
  • Edema – fluid retention and swelling in the extremities: Speak with your doctor about managing your symptoms, which may include short-term dosage lowering.
  • Type 2 diabetes: Developing diabetes while using Omnitrope is rare, but it can occur as growth hormone influences insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels. Regular monitoring by the prescribing doctor reduces any risks by ensuring your blood levels are in balance.
  • Acromegaly: Enlargement of the jaw, hands, and feet can occur when GH levels are too high in the body. These reactions are rare when Omnitrope is used by prescription. HGH abuse is the most likely cause. Seek medical attention if these side effects occur. 
  • Injection site reactions: Swelling, redness, irritation, and pain are short-term reactions that can occur with any shot. These issues typically rectify themselves with no further action. Make sure to alternate injection sites daily.
  • Rash, hives, or other allergic reactions: If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction, including swelling of the face, throat, mouth, or eyes, let your doctor know at once. Discontinue use and seek medical attention if reactions are extreme.

Omnitrope with a Doctor’s Prescription

Discover where to get Omnitrope for sale with a prescription. Omnitrope HGH is available for sale from licensed US pharmacies. You will first need to contact a hormone therapy clinic to speak with a specialist who prescribes HGH therapy.

A comprehensive medical evaluation is required, beginning with a consultation to discuss your symptoms, any health concerns, medications used, and goals for treatment. The doctor or medical advisor will explain the diagnostic process used to determine if growth hormone deficiency is the cause of your problems. 

Diagnosis of GHD in adults requires the following steps:

  • Blood analysis: A blood sample collection at a local lab will allow for the testing of multiple blood levels, including a complete blood count, metabolic panel, thyroid hormone levels, and various other hormones as determined by the symptoms you report. 
  • Physical examination: A thorough examination helps rule out other health concerns while providing vital information used in determining the appropriate treatment and HGH dosage. 
  • Medical history evaluation: Your completed health questionnaire shows whether prior or current issues contribute to declining hormone levels. It also helps the doctor determine the best course of action while ensuring no contraindications due to other medications or supplements. 

Contacting a hormone specialist for help is the best way to get the treatment you need for optimum results.

Cost of Omnitrope

Determining the cost of Omnitrope HGH depends on three factors: your prescribed dosage, which injection option you select, and how often you will administer your human growth hormone shots. 

Sandoz, the maker of Omnitrope, offers a co-pay savings program for eligible patients. You can speak with your chosen hormone provider to see if you qualify for any of these options. 

Omnitrope is one of the most affordable brands of HGH therapy. It is impossible to quote specific treatment prices due to not knowing how much HGH your body requires. However, we can give some general guidelines regarding this treatment.

According to, at the time of this writing, the 5 mg/1.5 mL solution was around $650. The 10mg/1.5 mL solution costs around $1300. The Pharmacy Checker website lists 5.8 mg at slightly higher than $300. Prices can vary from one pharmacy to another, and your doctor will be the best one to help you get the most affordable treatment option to reverse the symptoms of growth hormone deficiency. 


Omnitrope HGH is a highly-regarded and effective treatment for adult growth hormone deficiency. Contact a hormone specialist for a diagnosis of GHD and learn if you can benefit from HGH therapy. Do not purchase HGH without a doctor’s prescription. It is crucial to remain under a doctor’s supervision while using Omnitrope or any brand of HGH injections.